The One Where I Know my Role (47 / 365)

$3.00 Bill Y'all

$3.00 Bill Y’all

Yo, yo, yo peeps.  MC MadDisaster here in the scene looking to be seen…

OK, that is just dumb.  I was having a conversation with someone online today and it revolved around why we were part of this “support” group on FB.   I had mentioned the negativity we all began our posts off with, including myself, like:

“I’ve only lost 1 pound this week”
“I totally failed this week”
“….Do better next week”

What I and these other folks were missing was that there was a lot of positives as well, the person that lost “ONLY” a pound should share how she did it with the person that gained a pound.  The individual that filed should see it not as failure, but a lesson, you tried this way and it didn’t work so try this.  Or probably more close, I didn’t try at all.  And finally my favorite, I will do better next time or start tomorrow or how about NEVER?

I stressed to my friends that negativity is how I go to where I am today and I will only be celebrating the positive from THIS moment on.  It will take a lot of work, as I am a natural cynic, but I am going to really find the lesson in all things, listen more and try to be positive.  Otherwise I will be as silly as a one dollar bill in a mad wad of Monopoly money.


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